Karachi Moves Toward Establishing Maritime Regulatory Authority

Karachi, The federal minister for maritime affairs, Mr. Qaiser Ahmed Sheikh, has expressed support for the establishment of a dedicated authority to regulate maritime activities in Pakistan, aligning with demands from the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI).

According to Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the proposed regulatory body would oversee ports, terminals, shipping lines, and related sectors to enhance and secure trade, logistics, and commercial operations across the country. Mr. Atif Ikram Sheikh, President of FPCCI, emphasized the importance of including FPCCI representatives in the initial stages of the consultative process to ensure that the authority aligns with the practical realities of the maritime industry.

The need for such regulation was highlighted during a high-profile meeting where FPCCI represented the collective concerns of the business community. Issues such as the critical need for an alternative route to Karachi Port, the country’s busiest port, were discussed. Mr. Saquib Fayyaz Magoon, SVP of FPCCI, argued for the construction of an alternative route to alleviate traffic and prevent potential standstills affecting trade.

Further concerns were raised by Mr. Asif Sakhi, VP of FPCCI, about the need for fair treatment of traders and clarity in the implementation of existing regulations. Additionally, Mr. Aman Paracha, another VP of FPCCI, called for the rationalization of port and terminal charges to alleviate the financial burden on businesses, which are already struggling with high operational costs due to rising utility prices and a volatile economic environment.

Minister Qaiser Ahmed Sheikh assured the FPCCI delegation of continued cooperation and support, recognizing the significant role of industrialists and exporters in the national economy and promising fair treatment and incentives.