Bestway Group Raises Over $3 Million for Flood Relief in Pakistan

Islamabad, In response to the catastrophic floods during the 2022 monsoons, Bestway Group launched an extensive flood relief campaign, successfully raising over USD 3.0 million. The initiative, led by Chairman Sir Anwar Pervez, has significantly contributed to the relief efforts in Pakistan, surpassing its original financial goals and mobilizing thousands of man-hours in support.

According to Bestway Cement Pakistan, the fundraising efforts were bolstered by global donors and the proactive involvement of Bestway Group's staff, who dedicated over 19,000 man-hours to the cause. This collective effort not only exceeded the financial targets set by the group but also made a substantial impact on the ground, aiding those affected by the severe flooding.

Group Chief Executive, The Lord Choudrey, expressed gratitude towards the supporters and employees for their significant contributions to the flood relief appeal. The funds raised have been instrumental in addressing the immediate needs of the flood-affected communities and facilitating ongoing recovery and rehabilitation efforts.

The monsoon floods of 2022 were among the worst in Pakistan's recent history, highlighting the urgent need for concerted disaster relief and recovery operations. Bestway Group's initiative underscores the critical role of corporate and private sector engagement in responding to natural disasters, providing much-needed support and resources in times of crisis.