
PACRA Updates Entity Ratings of Pakistan International Bulk Terminal Limited | RW | Developing Outlook

Lahore, June 17, 2023 (PPI-OT): The Pakistan International Bulk Terminal Limited (“PIBT” or “the Company”) has secured a distinguished position in its operating segment due to its strategic importance in the Power and Cement sector. With a fully automated infrastructure, the Company's annual capacity hovers around 12 million MT for inbound coal handling and 4 million MT of outbound clinker and cement handling. The demand for imported coal in the industry is significantly reduced due to macroeconomic conditions including but not limited to import restrictions, severe devaluation of PKR against USD, and slowdown of economic activities resultantly demand from cement and power sector players switched to local or Afghani coal.

Therefore, the volumes handled by PIBT significantly dropped. During 9MFY23, PIBT handled 3.8mln tons of cargo against 6.2mln tons in the same period last year (FY22: 8.2mln tons, FY21: 10.1mln tons). Amid declining volumes, PIBT topline clocked at PKR 6.9bln (9MFY22: PKR 7.4bln). The bottom line of PIBT turned red and posted a net loss of PKR 2.5bln (9MFY22: loss of PKR 151mln, FY22: loss of PKR 991mln). The loss is majorly due to the impact of currency devaluation on USD denominated foreign loans. FCFOs of the Company are also affected impairing the ability to service its debt in timely manner.

In view of the prevailing economic conditions, the Company requested its foreign lenders International Finance Corporation (IFC) and OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) to defer the payment of its principal installments due in Jun-23 as notified on PSX, notice dated 15-Jun-23. The formalization of this arrangement is in process and expected to finalize soon. However, the Company ensures to make interest repayments in a timely manner. Obligations towards local financing arrangements will continue to remain as per agreed terms. While, the management provides comfort that the volumes will rebound, consequently improving the financial position of the Company.

Developing outlook and rating watch reflect the ongoing development towards the finalization of re-profiling arrangements with the foreign lenders as requested by the Company. Timely conclusion of the arrangements remains imperative for holding the ratings of the Company.

For more information, contact:


The Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Limited (PACRA)

Awami Complex, FB1, Usman Block New Garden Town,

Lahore, Pakistan

Tel: +92-42-5869504-6

Fax: +92-42-5830425

