
PCJCCI Proposes Resolution to Halt Palestinian Genocide by Israel

Lahore, Moazzam Ghurki, President of the Pakistan China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI), has advocated for the creation of a resolution demanding an immediate halt to the genocide of Palestinians by Israel. This proposal emerged during a think tank session held at the PCJCCI Secretariat, where representatives, members, and individuals from various sectors gathered to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people.

President Ghurki expressed strong condemnation of the ongoing Israeli military activities in the Gaza Strip, which have led to numerous Palestinian civilian casualties, including children and women, and the extensive destruction of civilian properties and infrastructure. He highlighted the united stance of Pakistan and China, both of which have pledged to use "Chinese wisdom, Chinese strength" to find a resolution to the prolonged Israel-Palestine conflict. Ghurki stressed the importance of solidarity with Palestine and the commitment to raise awareness and advocate for their cause on global platforms. He further emphasized the need for unity among Muslim nations worldwide in support of Palestinian liberation.

Fang Yulong, Senior Vice President of PCJCCI, recalled Beijing's stance during the 2021 escalation of the Gaza conflict. At that time, China, which presided over the UN Security Council, vocalized its support for the Palestinians and positioned itself as an alternate mediator to the US in the matter. Yulong highlighted concerns about Israel's policies, practices, and expansionary aspirations in occupied Palestinian territories, suggesting that these actions jeopardize international peace and hamper the pursuit of a peaceful resolution.

Hamza Khalid, Vice President of PCJCCI, articulated a call to action for all nations who champion "Humanity and Peace," urging them to intervene and provide a feasible solution to this ongoing crisis, noting the immense suffering endured by innocent individuals. Additionally, Salahuddin Hanif, Secretary General of PCJCCI, denounced Israel's persistent and escalating settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, labeling them as severe violations of international humanitarian law. This information was sourced from the Pakistan China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI).