Exchange Rates in Pakistan Show Minor Fluctuations

Karachi, The latest currency exchange rates in Pakistan have shown minor fluctuations as per the recent data released by the Exchange Companies Association of Pakistan. The rates for major currencies like the USD, EURO, GBP, JPY, AED, and SR have seen slight adjustments over the course of two days.

According to Exchange Companies Association of Pakistan, the exchange rates for USD, EURO, GBP, JPY, AED, and SR experienced minor changes from April 4 to April 5, 2024. On April 4, the buying rate for the USD was 277.16, which slightly decreased to 277.11 the following day. Similarly, the selling rate adjusted from 279.77 to 279.75. The EURO and GBP also followed this trend with marginal decreases in both buying and selling rates.

For the Japanese Yen (JPY), the rate showed a slight increase in the buying rate from 1.79 to 1.80, while the selling rate remained steady at 1.83. The UAE Dirham (AED) and Saudi Riyal (SR) rates mirrored this pattern of slight reduction in their buying and selling rates.

The Interbank rate for the currency remained constant at 277.93 for buying and 278.13 for selling over the two days. These minor fluctuations in the exchange rates reflect the dynamic nature of the global and local economic activities influencing the currency market in Pakistan.