Fund News

Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate Summary Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


P. Vol.: 360812365 P.KSE100 Ind: 47363.27 P.KSE 30 Ind: 18953.90 Plus : 128
C. Vol.: 382373497 C.KSE100 Ind: 47136.53 C.KSE 30 Ind: 18913.79 Minus: 324
Total 469 Net Change : -226.74 Net Change : -40.11 Equal: 17
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of CLOSE – END MUTUAL FUND Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
HGFA HBL Growth Fund 30000 8.36 8.79 9.29 8.30 8.30 -0.06
HIFA HBL Invest Fund 27500 3.20 3.2 3.36 3.20 3.20 0.00
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of MODARABAS Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
ARM Allied Rent. 82000 11.53 11.4 12.39 10.70 11.00 -0.53
BFMOD B.F.Modaraba 3500 6.50 6.5 6.50 6.50 6.50 0.00
BRR B.R.R.Guardian 79500 16.52 16.11 16.79 16.01 16.50 -0.02
FANM AL-Noor Mod 3500 3.50 3.2 3.20 3.20 3.20 -0.30
FECM Elite Cap.Mod 7500 3.55 3.55 3.71 3.48 3.70 0.15
FEM Equity Modaraba 26500 6.76 6.52 7.15 6.50 6.50 -0.26
FFLM 1st.Fid.Leasing 7500 2.88 3.2 3.50 3.20 3.44 0.56
FHAM Habib Modaraba 4500 10.16 10.16 10.44 10.15 10.44 0.28
FIBLM I.B.L.Modarab 17000 3.11 2.81 3.10 2.80 3.10 -0.01
FIMM Imrooz Modaraba 100 219.99 203.5 203.50 203.50 219.99 0.00
FPJM Punjab Mod 30500 3.20 3.2 3.21 3.20 3.21 0.01
FPRM Paramount Mod 6000 6.50 5.71 6.31 5.71 6.31 -0.19
FTMM F.Treet Manuf 3000 16.00 14.8 16.00 14.80 16.00 0.00
FUDLM U.D.L.Modaraba 2000 9.80 9.99 10.00 9.99 10.00 0.20
HMM Habib Metro Mod 1000 9.00 9 9.00 9.00 9.00 0.00
KASBM KASB Mod 3074000 3.51 3.69 3.95 3.30 3.76 0.25
MODAM Mod.Al-Mali 645000 26.40 26 26.70 25.35 25.43 -0.97
ORIXM Orix Modaraba 25500 17.88 17.75 17.75 17.60 17.73 -0.15
ORM Orient Rental 1000 7.40 7.03 7.03 7.03 7.03 -0.37
PAKMI Pak Mod. 11500 4.71 4.5 4.80 4.20 4.43 -0.28
PIM Popular Islamic 4500 14.96 13.84 13.84 13.84 13.84 -1.12
PMI Prud Mod.1st 59000 2.87 2.98 3.05 2.86 2.95 0.08
SINDM Sindh Modaraba 60000 9.50 9.49 9.50 9.49 9.50 0.00
UCAPM Unicap Modaraba 428000 2.80 2.88 3.80 2.65 3.43 0.63
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of LEASING COMPANIES Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
OLPL Orix Leasing 19500 23.81 23.8 23.80 23.65 23.65 -0.16
PGLC Pak Gulf Leasin 2500 7.29 7.49 7.49 6.29 6.50 -0.79
SLL SME Leasing Ltd 4500 3.99 3.99 4.79 3.99 4.00 0.01
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of INV. BANKS / INV. COS / SECURITIES COS. Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
786 786 Invest Ltd 22500 10.00 9.8 9.80 9.00 9.78 -0.22
AHL Arif Habib Ltd. 101000 84.13 84 84.29 83.25 83.46 -0.67
AMBL Apna Microfin. 1500 17.89 18.35 18.35 17.89 18.35 0.46
BIPLS BIPL Securities 1500 23.59 21.84 23.63 21.84 23.02 -0.57
CYAN Cyan Limited 100000 52.80 52 53.00 51.70 51.95 -0.85
DAWH Dawood Hercules 69959 107.15 107.06 107.06 104.95 106.15 -1.00
DEL Dawood Equities 305500 26.91 27.25 27.40 26.10 26.53 -0.38
DLL Dawood Law 200 185.32 186.9 186.90 186.00 186.45 1.13
EFGH EFG Hermes Pak 5500 31.10 31.6 32.00 31.60 32.00 0.90
ESBL Escorts Bank 410000 11.51 11.55 12.10 11.50 11.95 0.44
FCSC Ist.Capital Sec 740000 2.30 2.37 2.38 2.16 2.26 -0.04
FDIBL Ist.Dawood Bank 273500 3.15 3.34 3.34 3.00 3.11 -0.04
FNEL F. Nat.Equities 2036000 9.06 9 9.09 8.69 8.77 -0.29
ICIBL Invest Bank 318000 2.65 2.63 2.65 2.51 2.59 -0.06
JSCL Jah.Sidd. Co. 1590000 20.97 21 21.13 20.22 20.29 -0.68
JSCLPSA Jahangir Sidd(Pref) 185000 9.70 9.61 9.86 9.50 9.58 -0.12
JSGCL JS Global Cap. 1000 121.50 119.95 119.99 119.95 119.99 -1.51
JSIL JS Investments 500 16.52 16.51 16.51 16.51 16.51 -0.01
MCBAH MCB-ARIF Habib 2500 38.00 37.26 37.26 37.01 37.01 -0.99
NEXT Next Capital 28000 12.80 12.54 13.20 12.52 13.07 0.27
PSX Pak Stock Exchange 860000 23.99 23.76 24.05 23.48 23.69 -0.30
SIBL Sec. Inv. Bank 1000 7.20 7.3 7.30 6.45 6.45 -0.75
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of COMMERCIAL BANKS Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
ABL Allied Bank Ltd 15500 71.71 71.6 71.61 71.02 71.09 -0.62
AKBL Askari Bank 74500 20.45 20.33 20.75 20.17 20.48 0.03
BAFL Bank Al-Falah 2814555 32.50 32.49 32.49 32.15 32.24 -0.26
BAHL Bank AL-Habib 753351 69.48 69.75 69.75 69.00 69.02 -0.46
BIPL Bankislami Pak. 497000 10.26 10.26 10.49 10.13 10.48 0.22
BOK Bank Of Khyber 1500 14.45 14.5 14.50 14.50 14.50 0.05
BOP B.O.Punjab 17996500 8.87 8.84 8.85 8.26 8.40 -0.47
FABL Faysal Bank 8772000 19.43 18.75 19.75 18.75 19.35 -0.08
HBL Habib Bank 700103 128.55 128.6 128.60 125.76 126.93 -1.62
HMB Habib Metropol. 127000 43.40 43.4 43.50 43.00 43.47 0.07
JSBL JS Bank Ltd 103500 5.16 5.3 5.30 5.10 5.11 -0.05
MCB MCB Bank Ltd 149143 168.04 168.44 168.44 166.00 166.87 -1.17
MEBL Meezan Bank 6232369 154.82 155.5 165.00 154.75 162.18 7.36
NBP National Bank 847500 33.89 33.75 34.00 33.02 33.57 -0.32
SCBPL St.Chart.Bank 4000 33.12 – 33.12 33.12 33.12 0.00
SILK Silk Bank Ltd 3546500 1.72 1.75 1.75 1.68 1.70 -0.02
SNBL Soneri Bank Ltd 61500 9.07 9.05 9.25 9.00 9.10 0.03
UBL United BankXD 557378 124.28 124.9 124.90 122.60 123.07 -1.21
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of INSURANCE Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
AGIC Ask.Gen.Insur. 4000 20.03 20 20.00 20.00 20.00 -0.03
AICL Adamjee Ins. 204000 41.47 41.4 41.40 41.00 41.05 -0.42
ALAC Askari Life Ass 4000 7.75 7.51 7.75 7.51 7.51 -0.24
ATIL Atlas Ins. Ltd 4000 55.81 55.5 56.99 55.21 56.99 1.18
CENI Century Ins. 1000 20.00 20.95 20.96 20.95 20.96 0.96
CSIL Cres.Star Ins. 417500 2.99 2.96 3.00 2.89 2.92 -0.07
EFUL EFU Life Assr 1200 188.67 186.01 189.99 183.00 183.87 -4.80
HICL Habib Ins. 500 7.77 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 -0.32
IGIHL IGI Holdings 23700 182.11 176.21 182.11 175.00 178.81 -3.30
IGIL IGI Life Ins 24000 43.99 41.66 47.28 41.66 44.48 0.49
JGICL Jubilee Gen.Ins 5000 43.25 42 42.00 42.00 42.00 -1.25
JLICL Jubile Life Ins 44000 298.96 305 309.00 276.54 276.63 -22.33
PAKRI Pak Reinsurance 3500 23.99 23.9 23.90 23.52 23.52 -0.47
PINL Premier Ins. 8000 5.70 5.02 5.98 5.02 5.69 -0.01
SHNI Shaheen Ins. 3500 4.08 4 4.00 3.81 3.81 -0.27
TPLI TPL Insurance 4500 32.96 30.66 33.90 30.49 31.15 -1.81
UNIC United Insurance 116000 7.74 8.1 8.15 7.96 8.11 0.37
UVIC Universal Ins. 1000 5.30 5 5.00 5.00 5.00 -0.30
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
DCR Dolmen City 412500 11.54 11.54 12.25 11.50 12.04 0.50
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of TEXTILE SPINNING Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
AWTX Allawasaya Tex 0 608.56 – 0.00 0.00 654.20 45.64
BECO Beco Steel Ltd 183000 24.48 25.5 26.31 24.00 24.32 -0.16
CCM Crescent Cotton 2500 57.17 55 55.00 55.00 55.00 -2.17
CTM Colony Tex.Mills Lt 404000 7.17 7.35 7.39 6.91 7.07 -0.10
DFSM Dewan Farooque Sp. 1674000 5.10 5.13 5.13 4.80 5.01 -0.09
DSIL D.S. Ind. Ltd. 1248500 5.13 5.1 5.20 4.86 5.01 -0.12
GADT Gadoon Textile 2800 352.59 345.01 358.99 332.00 337.66 -14.93
IDRT Idrees Textile 0 19.02 – 0.00 0.00 19.00 -0.02
IDYM Indus Dyeing 5600 321.13 327 327.00 315.01 319.31 -1.82
JATM J.A.Textile 33500 16.80 16.06 16.80 15.60 15.66 -1.14
KOHTM Kohat Textile 6000 23.20 22.01 23.90 22.01 22.50 -0.70
KOSM Kohinoor Spining 5546000 5.72 5.85 5.85 5.22 5.37 -0.35
NAGC Nagina Cotton 500 84.90 78.55 78.55 78.55 78.55 -6.35
SAIF Saif Textile 45000 23.77 24 24.00 23.50 23.50 -0.27
SERT Service Textile 14500 27.93 28 28.38 26.50 28.00 0.07
SHCM Shadman Cotton 1500 19.43 20.88 20.88 20.88 20.88 1.45
SHDT Shadab Textile 5500 29.51 29.8 29.99 29.00 29.90 0.39
SNAI Sana Ind 25000 61.80 62 62.00 62.00 62.00 0.20
SSML Saritow Spinning 206500 16.19 16.49 16.75 15.70 15.83 -0.36
SUTM Sunrays Textile 100 303.00 303 303.00 303.00 303.00 0.00
TATM Tata Textile 80500 76.15 77.5 81.00 76.10 76.90 0.75
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of TEXTILE WEAVING Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
ASHT Ashfaq Textile 3000 15.73 15.8 15.80 14.75 14.75 -0.98
PRWM Prosperity Weav 10000 53.95 53.1 53.10 51.30 52.00 -1.95
SERF Service Fabrics 2565500 20.32 19.51 19.51 18.80 18.80 -1.52
SERFR Service Fab(R) 13000 10.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 -1.00
YOUW Yousuf Weaving 19701000 8.13 8.54 8.74 7.40 7.59 -0.54
ZTL Zephyr Textile 6500 17.20 16.05 18.00 16.05 17.10 -0.10
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of TEXTILE COMPOSITE Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
ADMM Artistic Denim 17500 108.09 107 108.90 106.01 107.20 -0.89
ANL Azgard Nine 3999000 26.87 26.87 27.05 25.26 25.43 -1.44
ANTM AN Textile Mill 4500 13.23 13.3 13.30 12.81 12.89 -0.34
ARUJ Aruj Industries 500 16.44 15.5 15.50 15.50 15.50 -0.94
BTL Blessed Tex. 400 450.00 418 440.00 418.00 440.00 -10.00
CRTM Crescent Tex. 840500 28.64 28.25 29.00 27.76 27.95 -0.69
FML Feroze 1888 500 103.13 101 101.00 101.00 101.00 -2.13
GATM Gul Ahmed 3104500 56.12 56.05 57.00 55.10 55.96 -0.16
GFIL Ghazi Fabrics 86500 11.35 11.25 11.25 11.00 11.01 -0.34
HUSI Hussain Industries 500 26.89 28.9 28.90 28.90 28.90 2.01
ILP Interloop Ltd. 134500 75.11 74.52 75.25 73.08 75.12 0.01
KML Kohinoor Mills 1000 32.43 31 31.00 31.00 31.00 -1.43
KOIL Kohinoor Ind. 75000 8.49 8.5 8.60 8.16 8.19 -0.30
KTML Kohinoor Textile 51000 85.02 82.5 85.02 82.50 82.50 -2.52
MSOT Masood Textile 20500 57.06 58.86 60.00 56.07 56.07 -0.99
MTIL Mian Textile 202000 37.84 38 40.67 38.00 39.18 1.34
NCL Nishat (Chun.) 826500 51.49 51.25 51.70 50.80 51.10 -0.39
NML Nishat Mills Ltd 1066000 96.22 96.98 96.98 95.21 96.23 0.01
REDCO Redco Textile 1500 7.48 7.23 7.23 7.22 7.23 -0.25
REWM Reliance Weaving 6500 79.00 78 79.00 76.70 78.47 -0.53
SAPT Sapphire Tex. 150 1050.00 1088 1090.00 1088.00 1089.00 39.00
SFL Sapphire Fiber 700 806.00 800 866.45 761.00 842.64 36.64
STML Shams Textile 1000 79.95 80 80.00 80.00 80.00 0.05
SURC Suraj Cotton 200 231.00 230 235.00 230.00 232.50 1.50
TOWL Towellers Limited 3500 127.99 123.5 123.61 120.50 122.00 -5.99
ZAHID ZahidJee Tex. 500 26.45 25.8 25.80 25.80 25.80 -0.65
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of WOOLLEN Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
BNWM Bannu Woollen 500 51.96 51.25 51.25 51.25 51.25 -0.71
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of SYNTHETIC AND RAYON Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
IBFL Ibrahim Fibres 500 160.00 160 160.00 160.00 160.00 0.00
IMAGE Image Pakistan 1069500 27.48 27.47 27.74 26.25 26.58 -0.90
IMAGER1 Image Pak Ltd(R 1429500 10.98 11.15 11.19 10.32 10.43 -0.55
PSYL Pak Synthetics 2000 55.00 55 55.00 55.00 55.00 0.00
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of SUGAR AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
AABS AL-Abbas Sugar 200 302.00 292.01 315.99 292.01 315.99 13.99
ADAMS Adam Sugar 206500 39.18 38.25 38.25 36.25 36.95 -2.23
AGSML Abdullah Shah 2112000 15.56 15.97 15.97 14.40 14.40 -1.16
CHAS Chashma Sugar 2500 71.05 70 70.00 68.00 68.00 -3.05
FRSM Faran Sugar 347000 47.20 47.02 47.90 43.66 43.66 -3.54
HABSM Habib Sugar 27000 32.50 32.06 32.65 32.06 32.51 0.01
HRPL Habib Rice Prod 62000 36.00 35.5 35.50 35.10 35.25 -0.75
HSM Husein Sugar 38000 20.00 20 20.39 18.75 20.01 0.01
JSML Jauharabad Sug 1000 23.03 22.95 22.95 22.85 22.90 -0.13
MRNS Mehran Sugar 1000 55.49 54.5 54.90 54.50 55.49 0.00
SHSML Shahmurad Sugar 4500 81.50 79.3 80.05 79.30 80.00 -1.50
SKRS Sakrand Sugar 123500 11.21 11 11.21 10.80 10.87 -0.34
TICL Thal Ind.Corp. 100 340.00 314.5 314.50 314.50 314.50 -25.50
TSML Tandlianwala Sugar 1200 195.67 181 181.00 181.00 181.00 -14.67
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of CEMENT INDUSTRIES Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
ACPL Attock Cement 25100 160.63 160 161.90 156.01 158.87 -1.76
BWCL Bestway Cement 1600 154.37 153.03 153.03 152.55 152.55 -1.82
CHCC Cherat Cement 649000 172.60 171.99 173.00 169.00 172.06 -0.54
DCL Dewan Cement 1251000 11.24 11.12 11.22 10.79 10.89 -0.35
DGKC D.G.K.Cement 1429748 105.15 105.48 106.49 104.00 105.93 0.78
FCCL Fauji Cement 1665500 21.19 21.19 21.20 20.65 20.76 -0.43
FLYNG Flying Cement 1360000 19.17 19.03 19.46 18.90 19.24 0.07
GWLC Gharibwal Cement 119000 37.20 37.4 38.75 36.00 37.02 -0.18
JVDC Javedan Corp. 74000 54.21 54.25 54.90 53.26 53.70 -0.51
KOHC Kohat Cement 6100 215.01 212 212.70 205.25 211.09 -3.92
LUCK Lucky Cement 413540 815.37 818 824.00 808.00 819.87 4.50
MLCF Maple Leaf 1974717 42.89 42.99 43.35 42.40 43.19 0.30
PIOC Pioneer Cement 870100 117.21 117.5 119.09 116.25 118.35 1.14
POWER Power Cement 5551000 8.62 8.7 8.72 8.45 8.55 -0.07
SMCPL Safe Mix Con.Lt 1000 9.85 – 9.85 9.85 9.85 0.00
THCCL Thatta Cement 1668000 31.25 31.25 31.28 29.60 29.93 -1.32
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of TOBACCO Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
KHTC Khyber Tobacco 900 411.82 409 410.00 408.00 408.33 -3.49
PAKT Pak TobaccoXD 1760 1185.00 1152.01 1219.19 1152.01 1205.00 20.00
PMPK Philip Morris Pak. 300 984.90 – 984.90 984.90 984.90 0.00
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of REFINERY Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
ATRL Attock Refinery 848526 217.27 216.5 219.50 210.50 215.10 -2.17
BYCO Byco Petroleum 20083500 9.64 9.6 9.63 9.38 9.44 -0.20
NRL National Refinery 339941 394.67 393.9 394.99 383.00 387.25 -7.42
PRL Pak Refinery 1999000 22.05 22.05 22.05 21.41 21.57 -0.48
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of POWER GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
EPQL Engro Powergen 836500 18.79 18.8 19.10 18.49 18.58 -0.21
HUBC Hub Power Co. 714663 77.36 78 78.00 76.10 76.85 -0.51
KAPCO Kot Addu Power 1276500 38.95 38.87 39.30 38.62 39.20 0.25
KEL K-Electric Ltd. 26430500 3.72 3.7 3.75 3.65 3.70 -0.02
KOHE Kohinoor Energy 40500 36.07 36 36.65 36.00 36.16 0.09
KOHP Kohinoor Power 33500 6.54 6.41 6.41 6.00 6.22 -0.32
LPL Lalpir Power 1383000 15.75 15.99 16.00 15.25 15.33 -0.42
NCPL Nishat ChunPow 116000 13.83 13.81 13.90 12.80 13.69 -0.14
NPL Nishat Power 87000 18.79 18.64 18.83 18.19 18.53 -0.26
PKGP Pakgen Power 1000 24.02 24.48 24.48 24.48 24.48 0.46
SPWL Saif Power Ltd. 731000 15.97 15.31 15.50 14.79 15.33 -0.64
TSPL Tri-Star Power 33500 6.60 6.49 6.50 6.30 6.38 -0.22
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of OIL AND GAS MARKETING COMPANIES Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
APL Attock Petroleum 22800 328.01 327 329.89 326.00 326.62 -1.39
BPL Burshane LPG 5500 26.06 26.01 26.47 25.26 26.47 0.41
HTL HI-Tech Lub. 433500 76.57 77 77.85 75.00 76.58 0.01
PSO P.S.O. 731273 217.86 218 218.81 215.01 216.95 -0.91
SHEL Shell Pakistan 171900 152.04 152 153.00 150.20 152.09 0.05
SNGP Sui North Gas 2365798 47.07 46.83 47.40 45.90 46.59 -0.48
SSGC Sui South Gas 226000 12.79 12.72 12.88 12.51 12.63 -0.16
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION COMPANIES Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
MARI Mari Petroleum 11940 1511.95 1524.9 1524.90 1501.00 1519.84 7.89
OGDC Oil and Gas Dev. 1831637 91.95 91.99 91.99 90.31 90.99 -0.96
POL Pak Oilfields 92235 396.42 397 397.00 392.01 394.06 -2.36
PPL Pak Petroleum 1464611 79.91 80 80.00 78.84 79.46 -0.45
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of ENGINEERING COMPANIES Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
ADOS Ados Pakistan 213500 19.05 20.4 20.47 19.75 20.47 1.42
AGHA Agha Steel Ind. 1165000 31.58 31.51 31.69 31.00 31.57 -0.01
ASL Aisha Steel Mill 3675500 25.40 25.15 25.30 24.00 25.11 -0.29
ASTL Amreli Steels 614500 43.53 43.1 43.62 42.05 42.64 -0.89
BCL Bolan Casting 12900 155.29 162 162.00 147.00 156.20 0.91
CSAP Crescent Steel 35500 71.93 71.5 71.98 70.90 71.70 -0.23
DADX Dadex Eternit 11500 101.74 100 104.00 94.11 98.98 -2.76
HSPI Huffaz Seamless 18500 22.93 21.76 22.44 21.50 21.66 -1.27
INIL Int. Ind.Ltd. 2822900 213.84 205 219.40 199.10 201.42 -12.42
ISL Inter.Steel Ltd 1420834 98.76 98 99.60 97.35 99.01 0.25
ITTEFAQ Ittefaq Iron Ind 163500 16.98 17.47 17.75 16.70 16.90 -0.08
KSBP K.S.B.Pumps 4700 226.13 224 228.99 221.00 223.73 -2.40
MSCL Metro Steel 1000 27.02 27.88 27.89 27.88 27.89 0.87
MUGHAL Mughal Iron 704400 113.99 113.99 115.00 108.00 114.45 0.46
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of AUTOMOBILE ASSEMBLER Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
AGTL AL-Ghazi TractorsXD 3900 379.34 379 380.70 377.00 380.00 0.66
GAIL Ghani Automobile 403500 7.86 8.05 8.29 7.74 8.11 0.25
GHNI Ghandhara Ind. 340200 264.97 261.6 263.00 255.00 258.79 -6.18
GHNL Ghand Nissan 401700 124.72 122.3 124.99 119.00 121.06 -3.66
HCAR Honda Atlas Cars 142000 346.39 346 349.00 338.00 341.50 -4.89
HINO Hinopak Motor 1200 490.77 480.2 487.99 470.00 487.99 -2.78
INDU Indus Motor Co 50500 1363.04 1380 1380.00 1340.00 1368.32 5.28
MTL Millat Tractors 31360 1105.81 1114 1117.95 1106.01 1111.01 5.20
PSMC Pak Suzuki 143800 344.83 344.83 348.00 336.99 342.59 -2.24
SAZEW Sazgar Eng 199300 163.03 165.45 166.89 162.77 164.74 1.71
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of AUTOMOBILE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
ATBA Atlas Battery 133100 346.87 359.99 359.99 339.50 341.07 -5.80
EXIDE Exide (PAK) 22500 454.38 465 469.99 430.00 439.72 -14.66
GTYR General Tyre 574000 82.42 80 80.00 76.24 76.24 -6.18
LOADS Loads Limited 561500 21.10 21.1 21.30 20.74 20.83 -0.27
PTL Panther Tyres L 315000 75.74 75.21 76.00 74.65 74.87 -0.87
THALL Thal Limited 14100 402.91 403 408.80 395.15 405.50 2.59
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of CABLE AND ELECTRICAL GOODS Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
EMCO EMCO Industries 5500 41.30 41 41.00 39.00 40.00 -1.30
PAEL Pak Elektron 1528000 32.68 32.45 32.72 32.00 32.15 -0.53
PCAL Pakistan Cables 8700 173.76 174 174.00 170.00 173.50 -0.26
SIEM Siemens Pak. 1350 611.00 610.2 610.25 600.00 601.67 -9.33
WAVES Waves Singer 2436500 24.41 24.85 24.85 23.90 24.10 -0.31
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of TRANSPORT Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
PIAA P.I.A.C.(A) 666000 5.47 5.55 5.60 5.32 5.38 -0.09
PIBTL Pak Int.Bulk 4497500 10.30 10.35 10.35 10.01 10.15 -0.15
PICT Pak.Int.Cont.. 35100 165.30 164 164.00 159.80 160.05 -5.25
PNSC P.N.S.C 140500 73.31 72.3 74.05 72.25 74.00 0.69
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
AVN Avanceon Ltd 2605000 126.77 126.32 129.99 124.75 128.82 2.05
HUMNL Hum Network 13800000 7.03 7.05 7.07 6.88 6.97 -0.06
MDTL Media Times Ltd 727500 3.39 3.38 3.49 3.23 3.32 -0.07
NETSOL Netsol Tech. 953200 148.91 147.17 151.90 146.68 150.24 1.33
PAKD Pak Datacom 12000 67.38 67.51 71.86 65.02 66.19 -1.19
PTC P.T.C.L. 2143000 11.30 11.24 11.48 10.82 10.89 -0.41
SYS Systems Limited 124200 671.33 672 690.00 656.00 685.38 14.05
TELE Telecard Limited 13208500 16.97 17 17.60 16.97 17.49 0.52
TPL TPL Corp Ltd 8125500 19.93 19.96 20.59 18.44 18.55 -1.38
TPLT TPL Trakker Ltd 512500 17.38 17.74 17.74 16.25 17.08 -0.30
TRG TRG Pak Ltd 5677509 159.68 159.51 160.45 156.55 158.84 -0.84
WTL WorldCall Telecom 31632000 3.27 3.3 3.33 3.13 3.22 -0.05
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of FERTILIZER Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
AHCL Arif Habib Corp 18000 36.80 37.2 37.24 36.60 36.74 -0.06
EFERT Engro Fert. 1276463 77.10 77.35 77.40 76.95 77.15 0.05
ENGRO Engro Corp 419839 294.61 294 295.75 290.00 290.60 -4.01
FATIMA Fatima Fert. 309500 29.50 28.5 30.20 28.50 29.89 0.39
FFBL Fauji Fert Bin 2020000 25.15 25.35 25.60 25.02 25.07 -0.08
FFC Fauji Fert. 471100 105.75 105.6 106.10 105.00 105.14 -0.61
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of PHARMACEUTICALS Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
ABOT Abbott Lab. 297900 759.99 779 779.00 745.00 753.62 -6.37
AGP AGP Limited 183400 120.85 120.8 125.00 118.00 120.57 -0.28
CPHL Citi Pharma Ltd 1941000 48.63 48.5 48.69 47.01 47.49 -1.14
FEROZ Ferozsons (Lab) 37300 400.27 395.01 404.00 393.10 400.80 0.53
GLAXO GlaxoSmithKline 108200 157.44 157 160.00 153.00 157.89 0.45
GSKCH Glaxo Healthcar 37900 269.74 268.99 273.00 260.00 270.70 0.96
HINOON Highnoon (Lab) 20300 631.21 615 642.00 615.00 632.47 1.26
IBLHL IBL HealthCare 235100 119.36 116 116.00 110.41 110.41 -8.95
MACTER Macter Int. Ltd 500 162.00 157.02 157.30 157.02 157.30 -4.70
OTSU Otsuka Pak 700 285.00 300 305.00 300.00 305.00 20.00
SAPL Sanofi-Aventis 150 900.00 900 900.00 890.00 890.00 -10.00
SEARL The Searle Co. 418917 234.21 234.99 234.99 226.98 228.51 -5.70
WYETH Wyeth Pak Ltd 440 1796.59 1800 1874.89 1750.03 1874.89 78.30
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of CHEMICAL Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
AGL Agritech Limited 1394500 6.12 6.12 6.12 5.90 5.93 -0.19
ARPL Archroma Pak 1850 619.29 620 620.00 600.50 616.67 -2.62
BERG Berger Paints 16000 101.95 100.25 101.01 99.02 100.18 -1.77
BIFO Biafo Ind. 4500 137.74 136.01 138.97 135.00 136.08 -1.66
BUXL Buxly Paints 70500 255.00 265 274.12 240.00 256.12 1.12
COLG Colgate Palm 80 2750.00 2750 2750.00 2750.00 2750.00 0.00
DOL Descon Oxychem 714000 25.35 25.15 25.45 24.86 24.93 -0.42
DYNO Dynea Pakistan 23700 307.21 307 307.00 289.53 292.48 -14.73
EPCL Engro Polymer 2607500 60.49 60.7 61.25 60.00 60.82 0.33
EPCLPS Engro Poly(Pref 77500 11.10 11.15 11.15 11.05 11.05 -0.05
GGL Ghani Glo Hol 10939500 42.34 42.45 43.44 41.45 42.40 0.06
ICI ICI Pakistan 14850 849.65 840.2 845.80 836.01 842.48 -7.17
ICL Ittehad Chem. 25500 38.19 37.41 37.50 37.04 37.34 -0.85
LOTCHEM Lotte Chemical 998000 14.88 14.9 14.90 14.64 14.71 -0.17
LPGL Leiner Pak Gelat 500 22.65 20.97 20.97 20.97 20.97 -1.68
NRSL Nimir Resins 280500 36.17 35.61 36.50 35.06 35.59 -0.58
PAKOXY Pak Oxygen Ltd. 52700 159.75 153.5 160.00 153.50 160.00 0.25
SARC Sardar Chemical 500 34.00 33 33.00 33.00 33.00 -1.00
SITC Sitara Chemical 1756600 339.98 331.4 342.50 325.00 340.98 1.00
SPL Sitara Peroxide 95500 25.85 25.65 26.00 25.40 25.48 -0.37
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of PAPER AND BOARD Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff
CEPB Century Paper 245700 112.32 112.1 112.60 111.50 111.91 -0.41
CPPL Cherat Pack 7600 194.50 192.01 197.00 186.00 192.00 -2.50
MERIT Merit Packaging 68500 16.01 16 16.00 15.60 15.87 -0.14
PKGS Packages Ltd. 3150 501.97 500 500.00 490.00 499.98 -1.99
RPL Roshan Packages 12500 30.53 30.23 30.60 30.23 30.37 -0.16
SEPL Security Paper 122500 160.58 161 172.00 148.70 156.09 -4.49
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of VANASPATI AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
SSOM S.S.Oil 1400 170.33 161.15 161.15 160.00 160.95 -9.38
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of LEATHER AND TANNERIES Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
LEUL Leather Up Ltd. 500 16.62 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 -0.07
SGF Service Global Foot 1188500 52.60 51.05 51.50 48.66 49.56 -3.04
SRVI Service Ind.Ltd 259350 502.01 496.01 496.01 464.36 465.93 -36.08
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of FOOD AND PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
ASC Al-Shaheer Corp 4094500 18.33 18.3 18.48 17.50 17.78 -0.55
BNL Bunnys Limited 34500 42.54 42.4 42.50 41.05 41.63 -0.91
CLOV Clover Pakistan 73500 56.82 56.6 56.60 55.00 55.59 -1.23
FCEPL Frieslandcampina 518000 121.04 120 121.00 117.25 118.32 -2.72
FFL Fauji Foods Ltd 1438000 19.77 19.64 19.65 19.20 19.31 -0.46
GLPL Gillette Pak 2400 230.15 230.1 232.00 229.00 230.00 -0.15
MFFL MithchellsFruit 1200 405.36 401.02 403.00 401.02 401.80 -3.56
MFL Matco Foods Ltd 620500 46.01 45.4 48.75 44.11 47.87 1.86
MUREB Murree Brewery 300 529.48 511.02 524.99 511.02 519.99 -9.49
NATF National Foods 41400 227.26 229.98 229.98 225.00 226.73 -0.53
NESTLE Nestle PakistanXD 4160 5650.00 5610 5649.00 5600.00 5600.00 -50.00
PREMA At-Tahur Ltd. 829000 27.54 27.36 28.20 26.60 27.90 0.36
QUICE Quice Food 193000 5.52 5.26 5.65 5.26 5.37 -0.15
RMPL Rafhan Maize 640 9950.00 9970 10100.00 9801.00 10025.00 75.00
SHEZ Shezan Inter. 5100 303.00 303 305.00 300.00 304.36 1.36
TOMCL The Organic Mea 807500 40.02 40.4 40.40 39.00 39.94 -0.08
TREET Treet Corp 8384000 50.47 50.15 51.30 49.55 49.93 -0.54
UNITY Unity Foods Ltd 10278897 37.70 37.6 38.05 36.90 37.78 0.08
ZIL ZIL Limited 3500 87.28 86 87.28 85.01 86.01 -1.27
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of GLASS AND CERAMICS Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
BGL Bal.Glass 1274000 15.85 16.1 16.20 15.40 15.53 -0.32
GGGL GhaniGlobalGlass 4695500 23.64 23.66 24.12 22.80 23.02 -0.62
GHGL Ghani Glass Ltd 386500 49.40 49.5 49.69 48.70 49.00 -0.40
GVGL Ghani Value Glas 5000 65.40 65 65.00 64.50 64.73 -0.67
STCL Shabbir Tiles 63500 35.00 34.12 35.00 34.05 34.69 -0.31
TGL Tariq Glass Ind. 436600 103.10 102.85 103.50 100.70 101.43 -1.67
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of MISCELLANEOUS Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
AKDHL AKD Hospitality 200 406.00 – 406.00 406.00 406.00 0.00
ARPAK Arpak Int. 500 75.26 80.9 80.90 80.90 80.90 5.64
ECOP ECOPACK Ltd 13000 37.00 36.4 36.40 35.50 35.55 -1.45
GAMON Gammon Pak 1500 15.00 13.91 14.01 13.91 14.01 -0.99
MACFL MACPAC Films 207500 25.24 24.7 25.90 24.05 24.62 -0.62
PABC Pakistan Alumin 264500 43.98 43.55 43.98 42.53 43.25 -0.73
PACE Pace (Pak) Ltd. 2362500 6.97 7 7.00 6.72 6.75 -0.22
PSEL Pak Services 100 1075.00 1068 1068.00 1068.00 1068.00 -7.00
SHFA Shifa Int.Hosp 1700 212.43 206 211.40 206.00 207.94 -4.49
SPEL Synthetic Prod 50500 43.76 43.02 44.00 43.00 43.95 0.19
STPL Siddiqsons Tin 1024000 16.65 16.65 16.65 16.05 16.25 -0.40
TPLP TPL Properties 11658500 47.87 48.3 48.60 44.28 44.73 -3.14
TRIPF Tri-Pack Films 22300 224.35 220 225.00 220.00 223.29 -1.06
UBDL United Brands 4000 27.61 27.1 27.99 27.01 27.99 0.38
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
MZNPETF Meezan PakistanXD 228000 9.84 9.91 9.91 9.73 9.75 -0.09
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of FUTURE CONTRACTS Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
AGHA-AUG AGHA-AUG 86 31.15 31.4 31.50 29.21 31.49 0.34
AGHA-COCT AGHA-COCT 0 32.21 – 0.00 0.00 32.19 -0.02
AGHA-OCT AGHA-OCT 0 32.22 – 0.00 0.00 32.20 -0.02
AGHA-SEP AGHA-SEP 59 31.79 31.3 31.85 31.30 31.64 -0.15
AICL-AUG AICL-AUG 0 41.48 – 0.00 0.00 41.05 – 0.43
AICL-COCT AICL-COCT 0 42.29 – 0.00 0.00 41.85 -0.44
AICL-OCT AICL-OCT 0 42.31 – 0.00 0.00 41.86 -0.45
AICL-SEP AICL-SEP 0 41.85 – 0.00 0.00 41.41 -0.44
AKBL-AUG AKBL-AUG 0 20.46 – 0.00 0.00 20.48 0.02
AKBL-COCT AKBL-COCT 0 20.86 – 0.00 0.00 20.88 0.02
AKBL-OCT AKBL-OCT 0 20.86 – 0.00 0.00 20.89 0.03
AKBL-SEP AKBL-SEP 0 20.64 – 0.00 0.00 20.66 0.02
ANL-AUG ANL-AUG 15745 26.90 26.99 26.99 25.20 25.48 -1.42
ANL-CAUG ANL-CAUG 0 26.87 – 0.00 0.00 25.42 -1.45
ANL-COCT ANL-COCT 0 27.40 – 0.00 0.00 25.93 -1.47
ANL-CSEP ANL-CSEP 0 27.11 – 0.00 0.00 25.65 -1.46
ANL-OCT ANL-OCT 0 27.41 – 0.00 0.00 25.93 -1.48
ANL-SEP ANL-SEP 16339 27.08 27.39 27.49 25.50 25.69 -1.39
ASC-AUG ASC-AUG 4195 18.33 17.99 18.25 17.16 17.75 -0.58
ASC-CAUG ASC-CUAG 0 18.33 – 0.00 0.00 17.77 -0.56
ASC-COCT ASC-COCT 0 18.69 – 0.00 0.00 18.13 -0.56
ASC-CSEP ASC-CSEP 0 18.49 – 0.00 0.00 17.93 -0.56
ASC-OCT ASC-OCT 0 18.70 – 0.00 0.00 18.13 -0.57
ASC-SEP ASC-SEP 5542 18.48 18.5 18.50 17.60 17.95 -0.53
ASL-AUG ASL-AUG 2452 25.45 25.04 25.49 24.34 25.05 -0.40
ASL-COCT ASL-COCT 0 25.90 – 0.00 0.00 25.60 -0.30
ASL-OCT ASL-OCT 0 25.91 – 0.00 0.00 25.61 -0.30
ASL-SEP ASL-SEP 3092 25.66 25.11 25.54 24.55 25.31 -0.35
ASTL-AUG ASTL-AUG 779 43.78 43 43.49 42.10 42.51 -1.27
ASTL-COCT ASTL-COCT 0 44.39 – 0.00 0.00 43.47 -0.92
ASTL-OCT ASTL-OCT 0 44.41 – 0.00 0.00 43.49 -0.92
ASTL-SEP ASTL-SEP 699 43.92 44 44.00 42.11 43.17 -0.75
ATRL-AUG ATRL-AUG 1796 216.37 216.99 216.99 210.00 213.28 -3.09
ATRL-COCT ATRL-COCT 0 221.59 – 0.00 0.00 219.30 -2.29
ATRL-OCT ATRL-OCT 0 221.65 – 0.00 0.00 219.37 -2.28
ATRL-SEP ATRL-SEP 1426 217.96 217 217.20 212.01 215.12 -2.84
AVN-AUG AVN-AUG 2559 126.88 126.5 129.99 124.90 128.30 1.42
AVN-COCT AVN-COCT 0 129.29 – 0.00 0.00 131.34 2.05
AVN-OCT AVN-OCT 0 129.45 – 0.00 0.00 131.38 1.93
AVN-SEP AVN-SEP 4760 127.61 127.21 130.98 125.50 129.88 2.27
BAFL-AUG BAFL-AUG 281 32.51 32.1 32.10 32.10 32.10 -0.41
BAFL-CAUG BAFL-CAUG 0 32.50 – 0.00 0.00 32.23 -0.27
BAFL-COCT BAFL-COCT 0 33.15 – 0.00 0.00 32.87 -0.28
BAFL-CSEP BAFL-CSEP 0 32.79 – 0.00 0.00 32.51 -0.28
BAFL-OCT BAFL-OCT 0 33.16 – 0.00 0.00 32.88 -0.28
BAFL-SEP BAFL-SEP 1891 32.80 32.77 32.80 32.20 32.23 -0.57
BAHL-AUG BAHL-AUG 302 69.50 74.7 74.70 69.00 71.85 2.35
BAHL-COCT BAHL-COCT 0 70.86 – 0.00 0.00 70.37 -0.49
BAHL-OCT BAHL-OCT 0 70.88 – 0.00 0.00 70.39 -0.49
BAHL-SEP BAHL-SEP 941 69.70 – 69.70 69.70 69.70 0.00
BGL-AUG BGL-AUG 2365 15.78 15.98 16.10 15.26 15.51 -0.27
BGL-COCT BGL-COCT 0 16.16 – 0.00 0.00 15.83 -0.33
BGL-OCT BGL-OCT 0 16.17 – 0.00 0.00 15.84 -0.33
BGL-SEP BGL-SEP 2217 15.96 16.18 16.21 15.60 15.64 -0.32
BIPL-AUG BIPL-AUG 0 10.26 – 0.00 0.00 10.48 0.22
BIPL-COCT BIPL-COCT 0 10.46 – 0.00 0.00 10.68 0.22
BIPL-OCT BIPL-OCT 0 10.47 – 0.00 0.00 10.69 0.22
BIPL-SEP BIPL-SEP 0 10.35 – 0.00 0.00 10.57 0.22
BOP-AUG BOP-AUG 1367 8.82 8.8 8.80 8.31 8.37 -0.45
BOP-CAUG BOP-CAUG 0 8.87 – 0.00 0.00 8.40 -0.47
BOP-COCT BOP-COCT 0 9.05 – 0.00 0.00 8.56 -0.49
BOP-CSEP BOP-CSEP 0 8.95 – 0.00 0.00 8.47 -0.48
BOP-OCT BOP-OCT 0 9.05 – 0.00 0.00 8.57 -0.48
BOP-SEP BOP-SEP 3378 8.85 8.9 8.90 8.37 8.48 -0.37
BYCO-AUG BYCO-AUG 83259 9.67 9.51 9.65 9.36 9.43 -0.24
BYCO-COCT BYCO-COCT 0 9.83 – 0.00 0.00 9.62 -0.21
BYCO-OCT BYCO-OCT 20 9.83 10.35 10.35 10.35 10.35 0.52
BYCO-SEP BYCO-SEP 80538 9.75 9.65 9.70 9.45 9.52 -0.23
CHCC-AUG CHCC-AUG 115 170.50 169.01 180.00 160.05 172.00 1.50
CHCC-COCT CHCC-COCT 0 176.03 – 0.00 0.00 175.42 -0.61
CHCC-OCT CHCC-OCT 0 176.08 – 0.00 0.00 175.48 -0.60
CHCC-SEP CHCC-SEP 134 170.35 171 173.00 165.00 170.15 -0.20
DCL-AUG DCL-AUG 458 11.21 11.09 11.12 10.22 10.85 -0.36
DCL-COCT DCL-COCT 0 11.46 – 0.00 0.00 11.10 -0.36
DCL-OCT DCL-OCT 0 11.47 – 0.00 0.00 11.11 -0.36
DCL-SEP DCL-SEP 294 11.29 11.29 11.29 10.90 11.00 -0.29
DCR-AUG DCR-AUG 0 11.54 – 0.00 0.00 12.04 0.50
DCR-COCT DCR-COCT 0 11.77 – 0.00 0.00 12.28 0.51
DCR-OCT DCR-OCT 0 11.77 – 0.00 0.00 12.28 0.51
DCR-SEP DCR-SEP 0 11.65 – 0.00 0.00 12.15 0.50
DGKC-AUG DGKC-AUG 3259 105.12 104.13 106.80 104.10 105.74 0.62
DGKC-CAUG DGKC-CAUG 0 105.15 – 0.00 0.00 105.90 0.75
DGKC-COCT DGKC-COCT 0 107.24 – 0.00 0.00 108.00 0.76
DGKC-CSEP DGKC-CSEP 0 106.08 – 0.00 0.00 106.83 0.75
DGKC-OCT DGKC-OCT 0 107.27 – 0.00 0.00 108.03 0.76
DGKC-SEP DGKC-SEP 3859 105.90 105.69 107.05 105.10 106.65 0.75
DOL-AUG DOL-AUG 259 25.60 25.1 25.20 24.11 24.67 -0.93
DOL-COCT DOL-COCT 0 25.85 – 0.00 0.00 25.42 -0.43
DOL-OCT DOL-OCT 0 25.86 – 0.00 0.00 25.42 -0.44
DOL-SEP DOL-SEP 426 25.60 25.26 25.26 25.01 25.10 -0.50
EFERT-AUG EFERT-AUG 2 77.24 76.98 76.98 76.97 76.98 -0.26
EFERT-CAUG EFERT-CAUG 0 77.10 – 0.00 0.00 77.13 0.03
EFERT-COCT EFERT-COCT 0 78.63 – 0.00 0.00 78.66 0.03
EFERT-CSEP EFERT-CSEP 0 77.78 – 0.00 0.00 77.81 0.03
EFERT-OCT EFERT-OCT 0 78.66 – 0.00 0.00 78.68 0.02
EFERT-SEP EFERT-SEP 2 77.50 77.51 77.51 77.51 77.51 0.01
ENGRO-AUG ENGRO-AUG 156 295.00 292.75 293.00 290.00 290.25 -4.75
ENGRO-COCT ENGRO-COCT 0 300.46 – 0.00 0.00 296.28 -4.18
ENGRO-OCT ENGRO-OCT 0 300.56 – 0.00 0.00 296.37 -4.19
ENGRO-SEP ENGRO-SEP 155 297.17 298 298.00 292.50 293.00 -4.17
EPCL-AUG EPCL-AUG 1013 60.77 60.6 61.20 60.30 60.66 -0.11
EPCL-CAUG EPCL-CAUG 0 60.49 – 0.00 0.00 60.80 0.31
EPCL-COCT EPCL-COCT 0 61.69 – 0.00 0.00 62.01 0.32
EPCL-CSEP EPCL-CSEP 0 61.02 – 0.00 0.00 61.34 0.32
EPCL-OCT EPCL-OCT 1 61.50 61.8 61.80 61.80 61.80 0.30
EPCL-SEP EPCL-SEP 1366 61.40 60.75 61.25 60.26 60.85 -0.55
FABL-AUG FABL-AUG 2 19.31 19.35 19.35 19.35 19.35 0.04
FABL-COCT FABL-COCT 0 19.82 – 0.00 0.00 19.73 -0.09
FABL-OCT FABL-OCT 0 19.00 – 0.00 0.00 19.73 0.73
FABL-SEP FABL-SEP 0 19.28 – 0.00 0.00 19.52 0.24
FCCL-AUG FCCL-AUG 1381 21.31 20.5 21.15 20.25 20.74 -0.57
FCCL-CAUG FCCL-CAUG 0 21.19 – 0.00 0.00 20.75 -0.44
FCCL-COCT FCCL-COCT 0 21.61 – 0.00 0.00 21.17 -0.44
FCCL-CSEP FCCL-CSEP 0 21.38 – 0.00 0.00 20.94 -0.44
FCCL-OCT FCCL-OCT 0 21.62 – 0.00 0.00 21.17 -0.45
FCCL-SEP FCCL-SEP 914 21.25 21.25 21.25 20.81 20.99 -0.26
FFBL-AUG FFBL-AUG 3333 25.13 25.01 25.81 25.00 25.05 -0.08
FFBL-CAUG FFBL-CAUG 0 25.15 – 0.00 0.00 25.06 -0.09
FFBL-COCT FFBL-COCT 0 25.65 – 0.00 0.00 25.56 -0.09
FFBL-CSEP FFBL-CSEP 0 25.37 – 0.00 0.00 25.28 -0.09
FFBL-OCT FFBL-OCT 0 25.66 – 0.00 0.00 25.57 -0.09
FFBL-SEP FFBL-SEP 2718 25.27 25.6 26.00 25.10 25.21 -0.06
FFC-AUG FFC-AUG 17 106.00 105.5 105.75 105.50 105.50 -0.50
FFC-COCT FFC-COCT 0 107.85 – 0.00 0.00 107.19 -0.66
FFC-OCT FFC-OCT 100 107.88 – 107.88 107.88 107.88 0.00
FFC-SEP FFC-SEP 250 106.93 – 106.93 106.93 106.93 0.00
FFL-AUG FFL-AUG 1296 19.42 19.6 19.60 19.03 19.30 -0.12
FFL-COCT FFL-COCT 0 20.16 – 0.00 0.00 19.69 -0.47
FFL-OCT FFL-OCT 0 19.60 – 0.00 0.00 19.69 0.09
FFL-SEP FFL-SEP 1322 19.27 19.59 19.70 19.35 19.50 0.23
GATM-AUG GATM-AUG 1353 56.40 55.55 56.90 55.15 55.70 -0.70
GATM-CAUG GATM-CAUG 0 56.12 – 0.00 0.00 55.94 -0.18
GATM-COCT GATM-COCT 0 57.23 – 0.00 0.00 57.05 -0.18
GATM-CSEP GATM-CSEP 0 56.62 – 0.00 0.00 56.44 -0.18
GATM-OCT GATM-OCT 0 57.25 – 0.00 0.00 57.07 -0.18
GATM-SEP GATM-SEP 871 56.61 56.1 57.25 55.60 56.21 -0.40
GGGL-AUG GGGL-AUG 5467 23.67 23.5 24.10 22.43 23.01 -0.66
GGGL-COCT GGGL-COCT 0 24.11 – 0.00 0.00 23.47 -0.64
GGGL-OCT GGGL-OCT 0 24.12 – 0.00 0.00 23.48 -0.64
GGGL-SEP GGGL-SEP 7183 23.83 23.83 24.20 23.00 23.24 -0.59
GGL-AUG GGL-AUG 8931 42.42 40.06 43.50 40.05 42.14 -0.28
GGL-COCT GGL-COCT 0 43.18 – 0.00 0.00 43.23 0.05
GGL-CSEP GGL-CSEP 0 42.71 – 0.00 0.00 42.76 0.05
GGL-OCT GGL-OCT 34 43.08 43.25 43.25 42.50 42.88 -0.20
GGL-SEP GGL-SEP 26281 42.72 42.9 43.75 41.70 42.84 0.12
GHNI-AUG GHNI-AUG 892 265.39 262 262.72 255.00 258.78 -6.61
GHNI-COCT GHNI-COCT 0 270.23 – 0.00 0.00 263.85 -6.38
GHNI-OCT GHNI-OCT 0 270.32 – 0.00 0.00 263.93 -6.39
GHNI-SEP GHNI-SEP 951 267.42 264 265.00 257.07 260.79 -6.63
GHNL-AUG GHNL-AUG 1284 124.84 116.11 124.95 116.11 121.14 -3.70
GHNL-COCT GHNL-COCT 0 127.20 – 0.00 0.00 123.42 -3.78
GHNL-OCT GHNL-OCT 0 127.24 – 0.00 0.00 123.46 -3.78
GHNL-SEP GHNL-SEP 1216 125.49 124.01 127.49 120.00 122.12 -3.37
HASCOL-CAU HASCOL-CAUG 0 7.92 – 0.00 0.00 7.64 -0.28
HASCOL-CSE HASCOL-CSEP 0 7.99 – 0.00 0.00 7.70 -0.29
HBL-AUG HBL-AUG 147 128.37 120.6 134.50 120.60 126.51 -1.86
HBL-CAUG HBL-CAUG 0 128.55 – 0.00 0.00 126.89 -1.66
HBL-COCT HBL-COCT 0 131.10 – 0.00 0.00 129.41 -1.69
HBL-CSEP HBL-CSEP 0 129.69 – 0.00 0.00 128.01 -1.68
HBL-OCT HBL-OCT 0 131.14 – 0.00 0.00 129.45 -1.69
HBL-SEP HBL-SEP 167 129.07 122 133.98 122.00 127.38 -1.69
HMB-AUG HMB-AUG 0 43.41 – 0.00 0.00 43.47 0.06
HMB-COCT HMB-COCT 0 44.26 – 0.00 0.00 44.32 0.06
HMB-OCT HMB-OCT 0 44.28 – 0.00 0.00 44.33 0.05
HMB-SEP HMB-SEP 0 43.80 – 0.00 0.00 43.85 0.05
HUBC-AUG HUBC-AUG 1370 77.40 77 77.50 76.40 76.68 -0.72
HUBC-CAUG HUBC-CAUG 0 77.36 – 0.00 0.00 76.83 -0.53
HUBC-COCT HUBC-COCT 0 78.90 – 0.00 0.00 78.35 -0.55
HUBC-CSEP HUBC-CSEP 0 78.04 – 0.00 0.00 77.50 -0.54
HUBC-OCT HUBC-OCT 0 78.92 – 0.00 0.00 78.38 -0.54
HUBC-SEP HUBC-SEP 1402 78.00 78 78.19 77.01 77.25 -0.75
HUMNL-AUG HUMNL-AUG 28730 7.03 7.05 7.06 6.86 6.97 -0.06
HUMNL-COCT HUMNL-COCT 0 7.17 – 0.00 0.00 7.11 -0.06
HUMNL-CSEP HUMNL-CSEP 0 7.09 – 0.00 0.00 7.03 -0.06
HUMNL-OCT HUMNL-OCT 0 7.23 – 0.00 0.00 7.11 -0.12
HUMNL-SEP HUMNL-SEP 32474 7.10 7.06 7.13 6.94 7.04 -0.06
ILP-AUG ILP-AUG 4 74.00 73.16 73.90 73.16 73.72 -0.28
ILP-COCT ILP-COCT 0 76.60 – 0.00 0.00 76.59 -0.01
ILP-OCT ILP-OCT 0 76.63 – 0.00 0.00 76.61 -0.02
ILP-SEP ILP-SEP 15 75.80 76.09 76.10 70.63 73.65 -2.15
INIL-AUG INIL-AUG 1298 213.93 204.66 206.03 198.51 201.39 -12.54
INIL-CAUG INIL-CAUG 0 213.84 – 0.00 0.00 201.36 -12.48
INIL-COCT INIL-COCT 0 218.09 – 0.00 0.00 205.35 -12.74
INIL-CSEP INIL-CSEP 0 215.73 – 0.00 0.00 203.13 -12.60
INIL-OCT INIL-OCT 0 218.16 – 0.00 0.00 205.42 -12.74
INIL-SEP INIL-SEP 1988 215.54 205.99 208.00 200.11 202.92 -12.62
ISL-AUG ISL-AUG 1656 98.63 97.9 99.99 97.10 98.98 0.35
ISL-CAUG ISL-CAUG 0 98.76 – 0.00 0.00 98.98 0.22
ISL-COCT ISL-COCT 0 100.72 – 0.00 0.00 100.94 0.22
ISL-CSEP ISL-CSEP 0 99.63 – 0.00 0.00 99.85 0.22
ISL-OCT ISL-OCT 0 100.75 – 0.00 0.00 100.98 0.23
ISL-SEP ISL-SEP 1698 99.22 98.79 100.20 98.00 99.65 0.43
JSBL-AUG JSBL-AUG 0 5.16 – 0.00 0.00 5.11 -0.05
JSBL-COCT JSBL-COCT 0 5.26 – 0.00 0.00 5.21 -0.05
JSBL-OCT JSBL-OCT 0 5.26 – 0.00 0.00 5.21 -0.05
JSBL-SEP JSBL-SEP 0 5.32 – 0.00 0.00 5.16 -0.16
KAPCO-AUG KAPCO-AUG 1366 38.94 39.11 39.29 37.70 39.03 0.09
KAPCO-CAUG KAPCO-CAUG 0 38.95 – 0.00 0.00 39.19 0.24
KAPCO-COCT KAPCO-COCT 0 39.72 – 0.00 0.00 39.97 0.25
KAPCO-CSEP KAPCO-CSEP 0 39.29 – 0.00 0.00 39.53 0.24
KAPCO-OCT KAPCO-OCT 0 39.74 – 0.00 0.00 39.98 0.24
KAPCO-SEP KAPCO-SEP 1294 39.26 39.01 39.49 38.50 39.43 0.17
KEL-AUG KEL-AUG 5585 3.72 3.7 3.71 3.63 3.69 -0.03
KEL-CAUG KEL-CAUG 0 3.72 – 0.00 0.00 3.70 -0.02
KEL-COCT KEL-COCT 0 3.79 – 0.00 0.00 3.77 -0.02
KEL-CSEP KEL-CSEP 0 3.75 – 0.00 0.00 3.73 -0.02
KEL-OCT KEL-OCT 0 3.80 – 0.00 0.00 3.77 -0.03
KEL-SEP KEL-SEP 4955 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.68 3.74 -0.02
LOTCHEM-AUG LOTCHEM-AUG 1919 14.90 14.88 14.89 14.51 14.67 -0.23
LOTCHEM-CAUG LOTCHEM-CAUG 0 14.88 – 0.00 0.00 14.71 -0.17
LOTCHEM-COCT LOTCHEM-COCT 0 15.18 – 0.00 0.00 15.00 -0.18
LOTCHEM-CSEP LOTCHEM-CSEP 0 15.01 – 0.00 0.00 14.84 -0.17
LOTCHEM-OCT LOTCHEM-OCT 0 15.18 – 0.00 0.00 15.00 -0.18
LOTCHEM-SEP LOTCHEM-SEP 1148 15.01 14.85 14.94 14.71 14.76 -0.25
LPL-AUG LPL-AUG 0 15.75 – 0.00 0.00 15.33 -0.42
LPL-COCT LPL-COCT 0 16.06 – 0.00 0.00 15.63 -0.43
LPL-OCT LPL-OCT 0 16.07 – 0.00 0.00 15.63 -0.44
LPL-SEP LPL-SEP 0 15.89 – 0.00 0.00 15.47 -0.42
LUCK-AUG LUCK-AUG 166 822.94 806.01 821.00 806.01 818.26 -4.68
LUCK-COCT LUCK-COCT 0 831.57 – 0.00 0.00 835.89 4.32
LUCK-OCT LUCK-OCT 0 831.83 – 0.00 0.00 836.14 4.31
LUCK-SEP LUCK-SEP 232 825.58 815 826.99 815.00 824.85 -0.73
MCB-AUG MCB-AUG 3 168.09 167.01 167.01 167.00 167.00 -1.09
MCB-COCT MCB-COCT 0 171.38 – 0.00 0.00 170.13 -1.25
MCB-OCT MCB-OCT 0 171.43 – 0.00 0.00 170.18 -1.25
MCB-SEP MCB-SEP 9 169.58 164 164.00 164.00 164.00 -5.58
MDTL-AUG MDTL-AUG 10 3.43 3.27 3.40 3.27 3.30 -0.13
MDTL-COCT MDTL-COCT 0 3.46 – 0.00 0.00 3.38 -0.08
MDTL-OCT MDTL-OCT 0 3.46 – 0.00 0.00 3.39 -0.07
MDTL-SEP MDTL-SEP 0 3.42 – 0.00 0.00 3.35 -0.07
MEBL-AUG MEBL-AUG 28 157.00 167.1 167.10 158.12 159.24 2.24
MEBL-COCT MEBL-COCT 0 157.90 – 0.00 0.00 165.35 7.45
MEBL-OCT MEBL-OCT 0 157.94 – 0.00 0.00 165.40 7.46
MEBL-SEP MEBL-SEP 57 155.00 154.49 162.45 154.00 160.22 5.22
MLCF-AUG MLCF-AUG 4220 42.85 42.95 43.50 42.45 43.18 0.33
MLCF-CAUG MLCF-CAUG 0 42.89 – 0.00 0.00 43.18 0.29
MLCF-COCT MLCF-COCT 0 43.74 – 0.00 0.00 44.03 0.29
MLCF-CSEP MLCF-CSEP 0 43.27 – 0.00 0.00 43.56 0.29
MLCF-OCT MLCF-OCT 0 43.76 – 0.00 0.00 44.05 0.29
MLCF-SEP MLCF-SEP 4779 43.18 43 43.98 42.80 43.63 0.45
MUGHAL-AUG MUGHAL-AUG 186 113.58 112.5 114.80 111.70 113.80 0.22
MUGHAL-CAUG MUGHAL-CAUG 0 113.99 – 0.00 0.00 114.41 0.42
MUGHAL-COCT MUGHAL-COCT 0 116.25 – 0.00 0.00 116.69 0.44
MUGHAL-CSEP MUGHAL-CSEP 0 115.00 – 0.00 0.00 115.42 0.42
MUGHAL-OCT MUGHAL-OCT 0 116.29 – 0.00 0.00 116.72 0.43
MUGHAL-SEP MUGHAL-SEP 311 114.71 114 115.98 113.00 115.29 0.58
NBP-AUG NBP-AUG 176 33.90 33.8 33.85 33.50 33.61 -0.29
NBP-CAUG NBP-CAUG 0 33.89 – 0.00 0.00 33.56 -0.33
NBP-COCT NBP-COCT 0 34.56 – 0.00 0.00 34.23 -0.33
NBP-CSEP NBP-CSEP 0 34.19 – 0.00 0.00 33.86 -0.33
NBP-OCT NBP-OCT 0 34.57 – 0.00 0.00 34.24 -0.33
NBP-SEP NBP-SEP 119 34.00 34 34.00 33.86 33.86 -0.14
NCL-AUG NCL-AUG 1292 51.18 51.05 51.49 50.02 50.89 -0.29
NCL-CAUG NCL-CAUG 0 51.49 – 0.00 0.00 51.08 -0.41
NCL-COCT NCL-COCT 0 52.51 – 0.00 0.00 52.10 -0.41
NCL-CSEP NCL-CSEP 0 51.94 – 0.00 0.00 51.53 -0.41
NCL-OCT NCL-OCT 0 52.53 – 0.00 0.00 52.11 -0.42
NCL-SEP NCL-SEP 1263 51.92 51.8 51.92 51.20 51.43 -0.49
NETSOL-AUG NETSOL-AUG 2460 148.82 148.9 151.90 146.00 149.62 0.80
NETSOL-COCT NETSOL-COCT 0 151.87 – 0.00 0.00 153.17 1.30
NETSOL-OCT NETSOL-OCT 25 151.92 152 152.00 151.00 151.67 -0.25
NETSOL-SEP NETSOL-SEP 3026 149.90 150 152.00 147.75 150.85 0.95
NML-AUG NML-AUG 920 96.48 96 96.50 95.20 96.21 -0.27
NML-CAUG NML-CAUG 0 96.22 – 0.00 0.00 96.20 -0.02
NML-COCT NML-COCT 0 98.13 – 0.00 0.00 98.11 -0.02
NML-CSEP NML-CSEP 0 97.07 – 0.00 0.00 97.05 -0.02
NML-OCT NML-OCT 0 98.16 – 0.00 0.00 98.14 -0.02
NML-SEP NML-SEP 1095 97.20 97.03 97.84 95.75 97.00 -0.20
NRL-AUG NRL-AUG 1196 392.55 392.99 394.00 382.79 386.12 -6.43
NRL-COCT NRL-COCT 0 402.51 – 0.00 0.00 394.81 -7.70
NRL-OCT NRL-OCT 0 402.64 – 0.00 0.00 394.94 -7.70
NRL-SEP NRL-SEP 1214 395.86 394.01 397.00 388.00 389.70 -6.16
OGDC-AUG OGDC-AUG 2079 91.92 91.35 91.80 90.22 90.94 -0.98
OGDC-CAUG OGDC-CAUG 0 91.95 – 0.00 0.00 90.96 -0.99
OGDC-COCT OGDC-COCT 0 93.78 – 0.00 0.00 92.77 -1.01
OGDC-CSEP OGDC-CSEP 0 92.76 – 0.00 0.00 91.76 -1.00
OGDC-OCT OGDC-OCT 0 93.81 – 0.00 0.00 92.80 -1.01
OGDC-SEP OGDC-SEP 1957 92.61 92.1 92.50 91.00 91.62 -0.99
PACE-AUG PACE-AUG 2394 6.98 6.76 6.95 6.12 6.67 -0.31
PACE-COCT PACE-COCT 0 7.11 – 0.00 0.00 6.88 -0.23
PACE-OCT PACE-OCT 0 7.11 – 0.00 0.00 6.88 -0.23
PACE-SEP PACE-SEP 1115 7.04 7 7.05 6.52 6.74 -0.30
PAEL-AUG PAEL-AUG 2195 32.66 32.09 32.70 31.99 32.21 -0.45
PAEL-CAUG PAEL-CAUG 0 32.68 – 0.00 0.00 32.14 -0.54
PAEL-COCT PAEL-COCT 0 33.33 – 0.00 0.00 32.78 -0.55
PAEL-CSEP PAEL-CSEP 0 32.97 – 0.00 0.00 32.42 -0.55
PAEL-OCT PAEL-OCT 0 33.50 – 0.00 0.00 32.79 -0.71
PAEL-SEP PAEL-SEP 2570 32.94 32.75 33.00 32.23 32.42 -0.52
PIBTL-AUG PIBTL-AUG 10626 10.30 10.59 10.59 10.00 10.16 -0.14
PIBTL-COCT PIBTL-COCT 0 10.50 – 0.00 0.00 10.35 -0.15
PIBTL-OCT PIBTL-OCT 0 10.51 – 0.00 0.00 10.35 -0.16
PIBTL-SEP PIBTL-SEP 12473 10.36 10.4 10.40 10.11 10.25 -0.11
PIOC-AUG PIOC-AUG 477 116.98 116.25 118.80 116.25 118.21 1.23
PIOC-CAUG PIOC-CAUG 0 117.21 – 0.00 0.00 118.31 1.10
PIOC-COCT PIOC-COCT 0 119.54 – 0.00 0.00 120.66 1.12
PIOC-CSEP PIOC-CSEP 0 118.24 – 0.00 0.00 119.36 1.12
PIOC-OCT PIOC-OCT 0 119.58 – 0.00 0.00 120.70 1.12
PIOC-SEP PIOC-SEP 708 117.93 118.95 119.60 117.00 119.12 1.19
POWER-AUG POWER-AUG 3533 8.56 8.55 8.68 8.40 8.55 -0.01
POWER-COCT POWER-COCT 0 8.79 – 0.00 0.00 8.72 -0.07
POWER-OCT POWER-OCT 0 8.79 – 0.00 0.00 8.72 -0.07
POWER-SEP POWER-SEP 3472 8.60 8.64 8.80 8.50 8.63 0.03
PPL-AUG PPL-AUG 2128 79.87 79.85 79.99 78.50 79.19 -0.68
PPL-CAUG PPL-CAUG 0 79.91 – 0.00 0.00 79.43 -0.48
PPL-COCT PPL-COCT 0 81.50 – 0.00 0.00 81.01 -0.49
PPL-CSEP PPL-CSEP 0 80.62 – 0.00 0.00 80.14 -0.48
PPL-OCT PPL-OCT 0 81.52 – 0.00 0.00 81.04 -0.48
PPL-SEP PPL-SEP 2333 80.48 80.6 80.60 79.24 79.80 -0.68
PRL-AUG PRL-AUG 2737 22.03 21.87 22.00 20.51 21.58 -0.45
PRL-COCT PRL-COCT 0 22.49 – 0.00 0.00 21.99 -0.50
PRL-OCT PRL-OCT 0 22.50 – 0.00 0.00 22.00 -0.50
PRL-SEP PRL-SEP 2315 22.22 22.1 22.48 21.50 21.78 -0.44
PSMC-AUG PSMC-AUG 248 345.68 345.05 348.40 336.10 339.24 -6.44
PSMC-COCT PSMC-COCT 0 351.68 – 0.00 0.00 349.28 -2.40
PSMC-OCT PSMC-OCT 0 351.79 – 0.00 0.00 349.39 -2.40
PSMC-SEP PSMC-SEP 298 347.81 346 350.00 339.50 341.90 -5.91
PSO-AUG PSO-AUG 1269 217.55 216.55 217.75 215.00 217.11 -0.44
PSO-CAUG PSO-CAUG 0 217.86 – 0.00 0.00 216.88 -0.98
PSO-COCT PSO-COCT 0 222.19 – 0.00 0.00 221.19 -1.00
PSO-CSEP PSO-CSEP 0 219.78 – 0.00 0.00 218.80 -0.98
PSO-OCT PSO-OCT 0 222.26 – 0.00 0.00 221.26 -1.00
PSO-SEP PSO-SEP 1451 219.37 218.01 219.50 216.50 218.86 -0.51
PTC-AUG PTC-AUG 4303 11.17 11.17 11.28 10.80 10.87 -0.30
PTC-CAUG PTC-CAUG 0 11.30 – 0.00 0.00 10.89 -0.41
PTC-COCT PTC-COCT 0 11.52 – 0.00 0.00 11.10 -0.42
PTC-CSEP PTC-CSEP 0 11.40 – 0.00 0.00 10.98 -0.42
PTC-OCT PTC-OCT 0 11.53 – 0.00 0.00 11.11 -0.42
PTC-SEP PTC-SEP 3729 11.32 11.39 11.40 10.91 10.98 -0.34
SAZEW-AUG SAZEW-AUG 262 163.00 165 166.48 162.10 164.45 1.45
SAZEW-COCT SAZEW-COCT 0 166.27 – 0.00 0.00 167.96 1.69
SAZEW-OCT SAZEW-OCT 0 166.32 – 0.00 0.00 168.01 1.69
SAZEW-SEP SAZEW-SEP 246 164.88 165.1 167.50 164.40 166.06 1.18
SEARL-AUG SEARL-AUG 276 233.98 233.99 234.00 226.10 228.31 -5.67
SEARL-COCT SEARL-COCT 0 238.86 – 0.00 0.00 232.97 -5.89
SEARL-OCT SEARL-OCT 0 238.94 – 0.00 0.00 233.05 -5.89
SEARL-SEP SEARL-SEP 424 235.74 236 236.10 228.00 230.35 -5.39
SILK-AUG SILK-AUG 1144 1.72 1.72 1.80 1.01 1.69 -0.03
SILK-COCT SILK-COCT 0 1.75 – 0.00 0.00 1.73 -0.02
SILK-OCT SILK-OCT 0 1.75 – 0.00 0.00 1.73 -0.02
SILK-SEP SILK-SEP 846 1.76 1.2 1.76 1.20 1.70 -0.06
SNBL-AUG SNBL-AUG 0 9.07 – 0.00 0.00 9.10 0.03
SNBL-COCT SNBL-COCT 0 9.25 – 0.00 0.00 9.28 0.03
SNBL-OCT SNBL-OCT 0 9.25 – 0.00 0.00 9.28 0.03
SNBL-SEP SNBL-SEP 0 9.15 – 0.00 0.00 9.18 0.03
SNGP-AUG SNGP-AUG 5041 47.05 46.7 47.34 45.91 46.49 -0.56
SNGP-CAUG SNGP-CAUG 0 47.07 – 0.00 0.00 46.58 -0.49
SNGP-COCT SNGP-COCT 0 48.01 – 0.00 0.00 47.50 -0.51
SNGP-CSEP SNGP-CSEP 0 47.49 – 0.00 0.00 46.99 -0.50
SNGP-OCT SNGP-OCT 0 48.02 – 0.00 0.00 47.51 -0.51
SNGP-SEP SNGP-SEP 5702 47.48 47.05 47.75 46.15 46.89 -0.59
SSGC-AUG SSGC-AUG 195 12.91 12.8 12.80 12.42 12.52 -0.39
SSGC-COCT SSGC-COCT 0 13.04 – 0.00 0.00 12.88 -0.16
SSGC-OCT SSGC-OCT 0 13.05 – 0.00 0.00 12.88 -0.17
SSGC-SEP SSGC-SEP 176 13.00 13 13.00 12.06 12.74 -0.26
STCL-AUG STCL-AUG 17 35.01 34.23 34.23 34.00 34.00 -1.01
STCL-COCT STCL-COCT 0 35.70 – 0.00 0.00 35.37 -0.33
STCL-OCT STCL-OCT 0 35.71 – 0.00 0.00 35.38 -0.33
STCL-SEP STCL-SEP 0 35.32 – 0.00 0.00 35.00 -0.32
STPL-AUG STPL-AUG 2338 16.71 16.56 16.56 16.04 16.26 -0.45
STPL-COCT STPL-COCT 0 16.98 – 0.00 0.00 16.57 -0.41
STPL-OCT STPL-OCT 0 16.99 – 0.00 0.00 16.57 -0.42
STPL-SEP STPL-SEP 2261 16.78 16.7 16.75 16.22 16.41 -0.37
TELE-AUG TELE-AUG 24499 16.98 17 17.59 16.90 17.48 0.50
TELE-COCT TELE-COCT 0 17.31 – 0.00 0.00 17.83 0.52
TELE-OCT TELE-OCT 95 17.95 17.95 18.40 17.25 18.11 0.16
TELE-SEP TELE-SEP 36110 17.11 17.05 17.75 17.05 17.64 0.53
TGL-AUG TGL-AUG 439 103.02 101 103.00 100.50 101.09 -1.93
TGL-COCT TGL-COCT 0 105.15 – 0.00 0.00 103.41 -1.74
TGL-OCT TGL-OCT 0 105.18 – 0.00 0.00 103.44 -1.74
TGL-SEP TGL-SEP 303 103.94 103 103.88 101.25 101.75 -2.19
TOMCL-AUG TOMCL-AUG 991 40.00 40 40.79 38.50 39.57 -0.43
TOMCL-COCT TOMCL-COCT 0 40.82 – 0.00 0.00 40.72 -0.10
TOMCL-OCT TOMCL-OCT 0 40.83 – 0.00 0.00 40.73 -0.10
TOMCL-SEP TOMCL-SEP 974 40.42 40.5 40.50 39.50 39.94 -0.48
TPL-AUG TPL-AUG 9025 19.93 19.95 20.00 18.44 18.50 -1.43
TPL-COCT TPL-COCT 0 20.33 – 0.00 0.00 18.91 -1.42
TPL-OCT TPL-OCT 5 20.33 19 19.00 19.00 19.00 -1.33
TPL-SEP TPL-SEP 10864 20.06 20.1 20.15 18.56 18.64 -1.42
TREET-AUG TREET-AUG 6004 50.41 50.08 51.25 49.30 49.97 -0.44
TREET-CAUG TREET-CAUG 0 50.47 – 0.00 0.00 49.91 -0.56
TREET-COCT TREET-COCT 0 51.47 – 0.00 0.00 50.91 -0.56
TREET-CSEP TREET-CSEP 0 50.92 – 0.00 0.00 50.35 -0.57
TREET-OCT TREET-OCT 0 51.49 – 0.00 0.00 50.92 -0.57
TREET-SEP TREET-SEP 11345 50.80 50.8 51.45 50.01 50.40 -0.40
TRG-AUG TRG-AUG 16079 159.64 158.18 159.60 156.50 158.51 -1.13
TRG-CAUG TRG-CAUG 0 159.68 – 0.00 0.00 158.79 -0.89
TRG-COCT TRG-COCT 0 162.85 – 0.00 0.00 161.94 -0.91
TRG-CSEP TRG-CSEP 0 161.09 – 0.00 0.00 160.19 -0.90
TRG-OCT TRG-OCT 48 164.00 161 163.00 161.00 162.66 -1.34
TRG-SEP TRG-SEP 16938 161.00 161 161.00 157.70 159.90 -1.10
UBL-AUGB UBL-AUGB 2 129.48 123.25 123.25 123.25 123.25 -6.23
UBL-CAUG UBL-CAUG 0 124.28 – 0.00 0.00 123.03 -1.25
UBL-COCT UBL-COCT 0 126.75 – 0.00 0.00 125.47 -1.28
UBL-CSEP UBL-CSEP 0 125.38 – 0.00 0.00 124.12 -1.26
UBL-OCTB UBL-OCTB 0 126.79 – 0.00 0.00 125.51 -1.28
UBL-SEPB UBL-SEPB 0 127.48 – 0.00 0.00 124.16 -3.32
UBLPETF-AUG UBLPETF-AUG 0 13.68 – 0.00 0.00 13.68 0.00
UBLPETF-COCT UBLPETF-COCT 0 13.95 – 0.00 0.00 13.95 0.00
UBLPETF-OCT UBLPETF-OCT 0 13.96 – 0.00 0.00 13.95 -0.01
UBLPETF-SEP UBLPETF-SEP 0 13.81 – 0.00 0.00 13.80 -0.01
UNITY-AUG UNITY-AUG 11506 37.41 36.51 38.03 36.51 37.50 0.09
UNITY-CAUG UNITY-CAUG 0 37.70 – 0.00 0.00 37.77 0.07
UNITY-COCT UNITY-COCT 0 38.45 – 0.00 0.00 38.52 0.07
UNITY-CSEP UNITY-CSEP 0 38.03 – 0.00 0.00 38.10 0.07
UNITY-OCT UNITY-OCT 0 38.46 – 0.00 0.00 38.53 0.07
UNITY-SEP UNITY-SEP 16615 37.73 37.86 38.30 37.18 37.99 0.26
WAVES-AUG WAVES-AUG 7820 24.39 24.4 24.73 23.90 24.14 -0.25
WAVES-CAUG WAVES-CAUG 0 24.41 – 0.00 0.00 24.09 -0.32
WAVES-COCT WAVES-COCT 0 24.89 – 0.00 0.00 24.57 -0.32
WAVES-CSEP WAVES-CSEP 0 24.63 – 0.00 0.00 24.31 -0.32
WAVES-OCT WAVES-OCT 0 24.90 – 0.00 0.00 24.58 -0.32
WAVES-SEP WAVES-SEP 7674 24.59 24.62 24.91 24.10 24.35 -0.24
WTL-AUG WTL-AUG 33171 3.27 3.3 3.31 3.14 3.21 -0.06
WTL-COCT WTL-COCT 0 3.33 – 0.00 0.00 3.28 -0.05
WTL-OCT WTL-OCT 0 3.34 – 0.00 0.00 3.28 -0.06
WTL-SEP WTL-SEP 19629 3.31 3.28 3.35 3.17 3.25 -0.06
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Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
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Karachi-74000, Pakistan
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Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of BONDS Dated 27-08-2021 – Press Release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited

Karachi, August 27, 2021 (PPI-OT): Following is the text of press release issued by Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited


Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
JSBLTFC2 JS Bank Ltd (TFC) 0 99.99 – 0.00 0.00 99.99 0.00
KELSC5 K-Electric (SUKUK5) 0 101.62 – 0.00 0.00 101.62 0.00
SNBLTFC2 Soneri Bank TFC 0 100.40 – 0.00 0.00 100.40 0.00
For more information, contact:
Head Office,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building, Stock Exchange Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-001122
Fax: +92-21-3241-0825, +92-21-3241-5136



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