
PACRA revises the Debt Instrument Rating of Khushhali Microfinance Bank Limited | PPTFC | PKR 1.5bln | Jun-22

Lahore, July 20, 2023 (PPI-OT): The lingering impact of Covid-19 along with the impact of the floods in Jul’22, the portfolio credit quality has been impacted severely and the financial risk profile of the Bank has weakened. The recoveries may take time and are uncertain. The weakening of the financial profile has led to a negative bottom line, along with weak asset quality indicators that have placed the CAR below the minimum regulatory requirement and are accordingly recognized in the ratings. The Bank issued the PPTFC-Tier I, amounting to PKR 1,500mln to strengthen the capital adequacy in Aug’22.

In view of the declining CAR, the lock-in clause is being invoked on Tier-I instrument of the Bank, preventing any debt repayments for the period the said clause remains in place. The unpaid mark-up payments were due in a) Dec'22 and b) Jun'23 with next payment falling in Dec'23. The Bank’s management plan to recapitalize the bank, however, is constrained by the availability of required confirmed approvals of the same. In the absence of equity support or payments guarantee from existing sponsors, the TFCs are mandatorily required to be converted into common equity as per the loss absorbency clause of the investor's agreement.

On the financial profile side, as of Mar'23, the net investment of the Bank stood at PKR 11.5bln and net advances clocked at PKR 86.2bln (Dec'22: PKR 14.2bln and PKR 86.1bln). The deposit base declined to PKR 96.5bln (Dec'22: PKR 111.8bln) as the Bank reduced the top 20 concentration to 17% (Dec'22: 26%). Repo borrowings escalated to PKR 9.1bln (Dec'22: PKR 2.2bln). During 1QCY23, gross income earned by the Bank stood at PKR 2.2bln (1QCY22: PKR 2.1bln). The quarter ended with a bottom-line loss of PKR 749mln (1QCY22: PKR -707mln and CY22: loss of PKR 3.1bln). As of Jun'23, the CAR of the Bank was below the regulatory limit.

Considering the given scenario, PACRA is revising the rating of the Tier-I instrument from "BB" (double B) to "B-" (Single B Minus) which denotes capacity for continued payment is contingent upon a sustained, favourable business and economic environment. The strengthening of the capital adequacy as well as the liquidity of the bank is important for the sustenance and review of ratings. Management’s commitment to recouping the asset health and consolidating the Bank's position within the stipulated time is an acute necessity.

For more information, contact:


The Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Limited (PACRA)

Awami Complex, FB1, Usman Block New Garden Town,

Lahore, Pakistan

Tel: +92-42-5869504-6

Fax: +92-42-5830425

