
Unprecedented hike in power tariff rejected

Islamabad, July 22, 2023 (PPI-OT): Former President of the Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) Dr. Shahid Rasheed Butt said on Sunday that the government has increased the power tariff by 27 percent which is not acceptable. The decision will hit the masses and all sectors of the economy, including agriculture, industry, services, and exports, while pushing inflation to unprecedented levels, he said. Shahid Rashid Butt said in a statement issued here today that the government has increased the cost of electricity up to Rs7.50 per unit and that it is not possible for the public and the business community to bear the burden.

The basic electricity tariff has been increased from Rs3 to Rs7.50 per unit and the government has submitted an application to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) to increase the basic price of electricity and has proposed to implement the increase in electricity prices from July. These rates exclude surcharges, taxes, duties, and levies, which means the real applicable average national tariff will be higher. The tariff will be around Rs50.40 per unit for those consuming over 700 units per month.

For many commercial consumers, the base power tariff has been raised by Rs7.50 per unit to Rs37.75, and the new tariff for electric vehicle charging stations will be Rs39.43 per unit. For industrial consumers, whose minimum electricity rate will be Rs31.93 and the maximum will be Rs37.89 per unit, and the new tariff for agricultural tube wells will be Rs24.10 per unit after a Rs7.50 hike. It should be noted that the increase in electricity prices will burden consumers by almost 3495 billion rupees, it will reduce the use of electricity, and increase theft.

Shahid Rashid Butt said that there is a strong public reaction to the increase in electricity prices. The people are demanding better governance, an end to theft, and an end to free electricity for the elite. The government's reputation is being affected by the sudden increase in electricity prices, and voters may make an unexpected decision in the upcoming elections.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Shahid Rasheed Butt

Consul General Ghana

Former President ICCI

Former Patron ICST

Tel: +92-333-5132199, +92-51-2822571